6 ingredients add up to an easy salad you’ll want for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Walnuts Heat oven to 350℉. Place walnuts in single layer on baking sheet. Bake 12-15 minutes until lightly browned. Remover and allow to cool.
Quinoa Add 1 cup water to small saucepan, stir in 1/2 cup quinoa. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low. Cover and cook 15 minutes. Remove from heat, let sit for 5 minutes, stir lightly with a fork.
Kale Chop kale, include the stems.
Prunes chop each prune into 6-8 pieces.
Assemble combine quinoa, kale, prunes, walnuts. Drizzle vinegar and oil over and toss to combine.
Additions drained garbanzo or cannellini beans, goat cheese, cauliflower rice, roasted squash cubes
Bulgur can be substituted for the quinoa. So can wheat berries, farro, or spelt, but these are longer-cook grains
Find it online: https://www.livebest.info/how-to-make-kale-quinoa-salad/