Hi LiveBest family,
I want to provide the best information to you so I’m checking in to see how my information is helping you live even better. Would you please take a few minutes to help me do that? Send me an email at [email protected] or post comments below.
- What’s working? What do you enjoy most about LiveBest?
- What could be improved to make it more relevant?
- What is your primary purpose for visiting the website? Is it recipes, health and nutrition information, inspiration, photos, all of the above or something else?
- What sets LiveBest apart from other blogs?
- What type of information do you like best? Is it the recipes, why the recipes help you, lifestyle, travel or something else?
- Do the recipes meet your needs? Enough variety, you’re able to make them, the recipes sound good enough to eat, or fill in the blank.
- How do you feel about the amount of content on LiveBest? Too much, just right, I want more!
- What type of resources could help you live best?
- How did you find LiveBest? Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Google or another search engine, another blogger, a friend referred me, I know Judy.
Thanks so much! Now I’m off to test a couple more recipes 😉
1. Your recipes make me want to cook more. Enough said.
2. Free stuff.
3. All of the above.
4. You make it fun to work at better healthy living.
5. I like tips, small changes, pantry ideas, freezer ideas, shopping list ideas.
6. The recipes all epic, I just don’t have the time to try them all.
7. If you add simple tips, checklist, quotes or other relevant things that would be great.
8. Anything in PDF or easy upload for Evernote, short online webinars with playback ability in case we can be involved at the same time.
9. I don’t remember how I found LiveBest, it could have been on Food & Nutrition website. I subscribe to that magazine, although I missed my calling to be a nutritionist, dietitian or chef. (dang it)
Thanks for the feedback, Catherine! My mission is to live a longer life with vitality, that’s why I push you to do it too ;-). Check out the Products tab on the website, there are free downloads to help you grocery shop, equip your kitchen, make a delis nutrish breakfast, reduce wasted food at home and more.
Take good care. Judy