Nourishing foods to help you through COVID
Muscle Loss and Weight Loss is common
With loss of smell and taste, appetite is often reduced. Quick and easy food ideas to ensure you get enough energy and protein to help recover your strength and rebuild muscle.
Adding high quality foods while recovering from COVID is KEY to recovery.
This FREE COVID Menu handout can help you with easy meals and snack ideas.
Be sure to check out my other resources!
If you find this resource valuable, be sure to check out my RECIPES TO NOURISH when COVID takes your taste and smell recipe ebook which includes quick and easy food solutions, 12 recipes, flavor boosters and health tips for constipation, appetite, and more!
Loss of taste and smell is common with COVID. Tastebuds may be off or exaggerated. Eating well helps fight the infection. Tea and buttered toast may be OK for a day or two, but you need foods that deliver healthy dividends. I know from experience.
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