People frequently ask me what I eat. Does this happen to you? Because I’m a dietitian, they want to see if I practice what I preach. I have people hide from me at the grocery store while others scan my cart to see what I’m buying.
Like most of you, my food choices vary from week to week. Somedays are better than others, but also like you, my goal is to eat more of the foods that help me live better. That’s the focus of this blog and my books Your 6-Week Guide to LiveBest, Simple Solutions for Fresh Food & Well-Being and LiveBest Seasonally.
Food is my #1 hobby, so I continue to play with it, creating new recipes and riffing on others. We rarely eat the same thing twice at our house. In fact, when I’m asked for a favorite family recipe, I can’t really think of one. But all that food exploration leads to recipes I share here. In fact, if there is a food you want ideas on how to cook with or to eat more of, let me know. I’ll see if I can come up with a recipe.
I thought it would be fun to look at the LiveBest recipes that appealed most to blog readers. I compiled the recipes that were talked about the most or appeared in the media and other blogs. If you’d like a handy-dandy copy of the Top LiveBest Recipes, they’re yours by clicking on the link in this sentence.
Top LiveBest Recipes
Seeded Apricot Crisps
My friend Betty gave these a Christmas gifts a couple of year ago. Unique, homemade, useful, and delicious, it was one of my favorite gifts. The Apricot Crisps even have their own YouTube video with original music by my husband, Ken Barbe.
Strawberry Basil Tarts
Rhubarb Chutney
Tomato Anchovy Sauce
Tabbouleh-Stuffed Peppers
Chai Walnuts
Breakfast, snack or gift, Chai Walnuts are always welcome.
P.S. Want more healthy eating tips and recipes? Sign up for my newsletter right here.
Thanks for your interest in living even better!